Friday, March 1, 2013

Lepruchans are not allowed in Target.

Spending the day with my daughter is always interesting.  Some conversations take a standard path with out deviation others are stream of consciousness.  Today was the later.

G ~ "Look at the geese, are they going to the pond?"
Me ~" Probably it looks like there is a small pond over there."
G ~ " There are only 3 of them."
Me ~ " Well there is one more across the street do you see him?"
G ~"He is slow.  Leprechauns are slow, and mean, all leprechauns are mean."
Me~ " I don't think the cereal leprechaun is mean."
G ~  Yes he is I saw him chasing kids because they stole his marshmallows.  I never stole his marshmallows I just ate them.  I got them at target, where people put the stoled marshmallows in boxes and sell them.  Leprechauns aren't allowed in Target."

I guess we are lucky that leprechauns aren't allowed in Target as apparently they will rough us up for our marshmallows.

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